Unleash the Masterpiece Within You

Unleash the Masterpiece Within You

November 10, 2022

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Unleash the Masterpiece Within You

November 10, 2022

Unleash the Masterpiece Within You
Melitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - LinkedInMelitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - Pinterest

Show Notes

Welcome to the Driven Female Entrepreneur Podcast!It’s the second week of our International Men’s Month Special where I've invited four inspiring men onto the show.

In this episode I speak with Alexander Inchbald, a Climate artist, a Bestselling Author and the Founder of #Masterpiece Movement.

Alexander was extremely passionate about art from an early age, but stopped painting as a teenager after being told he “wasn't creative enough”. After a string of successful corporate jobs and on the edge of a burnout, he spent time in the mountains that set him on a path that led him back to painting. However, it was a prompt from a mentor to go and paint outside that really changed his life.

Today, he helps the pioneers, Changemakers, misfits, crazy ones, and artists with wild ideas amongst us to use their unique gifts to create our Masterpiece—a portal to a sustainable ecosystem.

Don't miss this episode as Alexander discusses his passion and how he helped spearhead an expanding new paradigm by encouraging people to align with their inner nature by teaching and inspiring others to create their own #Masterpiece.

When you stop resisting whatever is outside you, something remarkable happens. That's where all mystical experiences occur beyond the mind, what we refer to as miracles. -Alexander Inchbald


In this value-packed episode you’ll learn:

  • The different strands of doubt and how to handle them.
  • How art can transform the way you think.
  • The importance of embracing and working with challenge, instead of resisting it.
  • Who a Rainmaker is.
  • How you may use your body and mind as tools.
  • The importance of going out of your mind to be able to use it.

If you really want to simplify your life, do what you love, experience more bliss, and see if you can extend that time just a little bit. Therein lies the secret of all creation. -Alexander Inchbald

About Alexander

Alexander is on a mission to help 10,000 Rainmakers to create their Masterpiece. He is the founder of the #Masterpiece Movement, a growing community of pioneers, changemakers, misfits and rebels. Together with other like minded communities they are creating a system that will sustain humankind.

Everything he does is based on his mystical experiences painting around the world. These experiences have helped him to realise we are not passive participants in a universe beyond our control, but active creators of our own playground. He is a bestselling author a few times over, has worked on all of the UN’s SDGs and lives with his family in Switzerland.

Connect with Alexander

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Connect with Melitta


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About Your Host, Melitta Campbell

Since 1997, Melitta has been helping businesses achieve their goals for growth through authentic communication and marketing, helping them achieve a noticeable change of fortune in as little as three months.

After a decade of entrepreneurship, Melitta combined her 25 years of marketing, communication and leadership expertise and experience in the the Dream Clients Blueprint - a proven methodology for building a thriving business or coaching practice, while also mastering your mindset and enjoying a balanced life.

Melitta is also a 2x Best-Selling Author, TEDx Speaker Coach, certified Mindset Coach, founder of the Driven Female Entrepreneur Club and host of the Driven Female Entrepreneur podcast.She has won awards for her work including a LTSB Making a Difference Award, listed as one of the top Sales Influencers of 2021 by LinkedIn and the Most Influential Female Business Coach of 2021 & 2022 (Europe) by Acquisition International.

To learn more about how Melitta cloud be helping you grow your business faster, book your Free Business Clarity Call:www.melittacampbell.com

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Unleash the Masterpiece Within You


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