Show Notes
Isn't it funny how just one line in one song can trigger a memory or inspire a whole thought process that takes off on an exciting adventure?
Yesterday my daughters were dancing along to the Robbie Williams track: Love My Life.
Watching them interpret the lyrics with their moves, it was the first time I’d taken the time to properly listen to the words of the song - and I was really touched.
As a parent, I could really relate to the idea of wanting to help others see the beauty and greatness they have within them. (If you don’t know the song, you can listen to it here)
Best of all, they are now singing the chorus around the house. “I am Powerful, I am Beautiful, I am me!” how awesome that, they are repeating these positive affirmations to themselves without even knowing it?!
But there was one line that really stood out for me: “I am not my mistakes”.
Remember: You are not your mistakes!
It reminded me of a very simple, yet very powerful lesson I learned from mindset expert Dave O’Connor a couple of years ago, which has really stuck with me.
Don't let your past limit your future
During one of his training sessions, he encouraged us to: “Let go of any internal talk and self-beliefs that are no longer relevant or useful to you”.
The idea being that your past does not need to determine your future. What has happened is already in the past, and holding on to negative emotions won't help you grow into the person you need to be to succeed with your current business or challenges.
This was a revelation - we don't have to hold onto our mistakes or constantly replay those moments in our past where we felt bad, stupid or hurt. We have a choice and can simply let them go!

We each have the choice to 'let it go'
I remember thinking “Wow! I can just choose to stop thinking about it?”
Well duh, of course I can. And from that day, I stopped replaying some of the silly things I did in my past that I regretted. And suddenly realised how crazy I’d been to hold onto those things for so long. But I’m sure I’m not alone.
In fact, I know I’m not. I see it with my children; they let other people upset them with the things they say, and then replay those scene days or sometimes weeks afterwards. We may feel hurt at that moment but we can choose to let go of these feelings and not let them invade our minds and become part of our beliefs.
It sounds simple - and actually, it really is!
Learn the lesson and move on - it's that simple
Whatever happened in the past is irrelevant. It happened. If it didn’t go well or make you feel proud, then there is a lesson to be learned there. So learn it. Remember the lesson, forget the incident and move on.
Think it's not that simple? Try it! You'll be surprised and you might just find that you take a big leap forward as a result.
Not convinced? Watch this!
In case you're still not convinced - watch this video. It's a great classic sketch with a very good a point to make - an oldie, but goodie : )
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