Marketing Advice from Female Entrepreneurs

Marketing Advice from Female Entrepreneurs

January 22, 2021

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Marketing Advice from Female Entrepreneurs

January 22, 2021

Marketing Advice from Female Entrepreneurs
Melitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - LinkedInMelitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - Pinterest

Show Notes

Ever wondered how successful businesses market themselves? In this article, you'll learn the best marketing advice from female entrepreneurs, coaches and business owners to help you peek behind the scenes.

Each week on the Driven Female Entrepreneur podcast, I interview successful women about their business journey. In doing so, I ask them to highlight what has worked well for them and, often more interestingly, what hasn't! I'm always blown away and grateful for their generosity, openness and honesty. Each guest has shared an incredible amount of knowledge and wisdom.

What's more, because what they share is rooted in what they have personally learned over time and through hard work and error, each lesson has a level of depth and quality that you don't find in many text books.

Knowing that many entrepreneurs and business owners struggle with marketing, I wanted to collate their best wisdom in one place. In so doing, I hope to give you a practical guide to what works best, while also inspiring you to dream bigger and achieve more.

You can find more of the Driven Female Entrepreneur podcast episodes via your usual platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher etc. And if you enjoy the show, please do leave a review on iTunes (click 'Ratings and Reviews) so more people can find and enjoy the show.

Female Entrepreneurs Share their Best Marketing Advice

Gentle Marketing - Sarah Santecroce

If you've ever listened to a guru share marketing advice and winced, then Sarah's gentle approach to marketing is for you. Sarah started her business more than a decade ago, but only discovered her real purpose more recently. That purpose is to bring human connection back into the way we market our businesses. She explains this approach in her interview, and since launched her first book that goes deeper into this subject: The Gentle Marketing Revolution.

Listen to Sarah's Episode: The Gentle Business Revolution

What really works for Women Building Businesses - Elaine Slatter

With three decades of business and marketing experience under her belt, Elaine Slatter has learned a thing or two about what works. In her interview, as well as sharing amazing advice for Female Entrepreneurs in general, there was one thing she was very clear about.

When it comes to marketing, it's vital to focus on serving your community. It's always important to remember that your marketing and messaging is not about you, it's about getting clarity and results for your audience. The more of them they recognise in your messaging, the closer your clients and prospects will feel to you and your brand.

Listen to Elaine's Episode: What really works for Women Building Businesses

Pricing with Confidence and Charging Your Worth – Janene Liston

Marketing is often thought of as promotion and visibility, but this is just one of the 7 Ps of marketing. An often overlooked aspect, is your pricing strategy. When done right, your pricing can drive sales and improve margins. That might sound obvious, but many business owners trip up when it comes to charging the right amount for their services.

Many more stumble when they have to stand by those prices! In this interview, Janene Liston, also known as The Pricing Lady, explains the true impact of your pricing and how to get it right. This is marketing advice that could turn your fortunes around fast!

Listen to Janene's Episode: Pricing with Confidence and Charging Your Worth

Growing your business with Powerful Content - Pauliina Rasi

If you want to build brand awareness and remain 'top of mind' for your prospects and consumers, content marketing can work extremely well. Creating and sharing informative and entertaining content on a regular basis, however, can also quickly become all consuming.

In her interview, Pauliina Rasi shared great advice to help female entrepreneurs understand how to be consistently visible through content marketing, and stay sane in the process. The key lies in strategy and planning.

Listen to Pauliina's Episode: Growing your business with Powerful Content

Getting Started with Relationship Marketing - Rachael Owen

When marketing expert Rachael Owen came on the podcast, she talked about a powerful marketing tactic that is under utilised by many small business owners: relationship marketing. Rachael firmly believes that relationships are the key to building thriving business; not just relationships with your clients, but with other business owners too.

When you can work together to promote each others business and offers, you can quickly increase your exposure (and sales) and very low cost. The key is to choose the right partners (those who align with your values and love what you do), and make it easy for them promote your business in the best light - and then do the same for them. Listen to her interview for advice on how to get started and the do's and don'ts of this marketing approach.

Listen to Rachael's Episode: Getting Started with Relationship Marketing

Networking for Small Business Success - Joanne Dewberry

Award-winning business woman, blogger and  author, Joanne Dewberry, explained in her interview the key role networking has played in her business success. I've long struggled with networking myself, but have seen first hand just how powerful a strong network can be when it comes to finding support, inspiration and opportunities for your business.

It's an essential marketing tool for every business owner to master. Joanne's marketing advice will help you start networking with greater confidence.

Listen to Joanne's Episode: Networking for Small Business Success

Becoming Camera Confident and Visible - Lucy Griffiths

There are few businesses today who don't have (or aspire to have) an online marketing strategy. While offline tactics remain as powerful as ever, online marketing has given businesses a range of new low-cost tools. Most online marketing strategies will involve some form of video, and with good reason.

When you consistently show up live on camera, it's hard to fake who you are. And audiences love hearing information and advice from real people. Though while audiences love video, many business owners don't. I can feel daunting to most people who aren't trained media professionals - but it's a medium that's worth persevering with as engagement on videos is higher than other forms of online content.

If you're feeling nervous about going on camera and becoming more visible, then Lucy Griffiths is on hand with some amazing video and marketing advice to help you feel more at ease.

Listen to Lucy's Episode: Becoming Camera Confident and Visible - Lucy Griffiths

Finding Your Roadmap to Success - Lyndsey Johnson (Fox)

Known as 'The Funnel Queen' Lyndsey has built several successful businesses. She works with many 6 figure businesses to build stress free marketing funnels. Lyndsey's advice is clear, the best marketing funnels are those that are authentic to you and your brand.

In her interview, she stressed the importance of staying in tune with what works and feels right for you in business. It's important to trust that you can create your own perfect roadmap to success.

Listen to Sarah's Episode: Finding Your Roadmap to Success

Sharing your Voice and Stories

Your voice and your stories are a powerful marketing tools. But knowing where to get started when it comes to public speaking, presenting and story-telling can be a challenge. Fortunately, this is another topic that is covered frequently on the show. And several experts have shared their best marketing advice to guide you in finding your voice and using it with confidence. Here are some of those episodes:

The Power of Your Voice as a Woman in Business - Tulia Lopes

Blending passion and experience and Using your Voice - Maria Wilhelmsson

Business is Communication - Yelena Ganshof van der Meersch

It's Time for Women - Giselle Rufer

Social Media Strategies that Work for Small Businesses

As you might expect, social media has been a popular topic on the show. It presents businesses of all sizes with a wonderful opportunity to connect with their customers, build brand awareness, and can be a powerful lead generator. All guests who have spoken about social media have agreed that it works best when it's authentic, rather than perfect.

That means, that your content has to feel like you and resonate with your prospects and clients. The good news is that people want to know the real you and welcome your slip ups and imperfections. Here is a wealth of golden social media marketing advice from the pros to help you feel inspired to take your marketing strategy to the next level:

Social Media Strategies that Work for Small Business – Jamie Palmer

Successful Social Media Planning for Small Businesses - Emma York

Marketing your Business Online with Confidence - Lesley Notton

Succeeding Against the Odds (+ Instagram tips) - Estelle Keeber

Growing Your Business with Pinterest Funnels – Helen Munshi

Accidental Entrepreneur to YouTube Influencer - Christina Oman

What Works for Your Marketing?

Have any of the marketing advice in these podcast episodes impacted your business? What are your challenges? What has worked well for you? I'd love to know more about you and your marketing experiences - share them in the comments below or join the conversation in the free community: The Driven Female Entrepreneurs Club.

Enjoy more episodes from the Driven Female Entrepreneur podcast episodes via your usual platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher etc. And if you enjoy the show, please do leave a review on iTunes (click 'Ratings and Reviews) so more people can find and enjoy the show.

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