Show Notes
Let's face it: no one is exempt from having a bad day.
They often come when you least expect it, throwing off your momentum and messing up all your perfect plans and good intentions.
You can just picture it:
- A coffee spill in your morning meeting – yes, on your white shirt!
- Forgetting important paperwork when you're halfway to your destination
- A prospective client saying 'no'
- Finding out your friend recommended a rival product
- Losing your Wi-Fi signal when you're about to send an important email
- Realising your latest funnel just isn’t coming together...
Some days may be trying, but it’s OK - you’re not the only one.
Bad days happen to everyone! But what sets the best entrepreneurs apart from the rest is their consistency; their ability to pick themselves up, dust themselves down and carry on as if nothing had happened - like a pro.
Consistency is one of the key success factors in any business. It is keeping your eyes on the prize and not allowing external circumstances to slow you down or influence your progress. It is showing your real character in good or bad times.
In his book, The Compound Effect (which I can highly recommend), Darren Hardy explains that he will beat anyone at anything because he has the self-discipline to be consistent. And you can do the same. Remember, quitters never win and winners never quit!
But it doesn't always seem that simple when it feels like the sky is falling down around you.
Quitters never win and winners never quit! Here's how to turn around a bad day...
Having a Bad Day? Here's how to turn it around...
Learn to let it go
Bad days happen. However, panicking is not worth the energy. Know what is within your control and let go of what isn't. Situations may upset you, but when that happens, do:
- Take a pause
- Accept the reality, and
- Commit to moving on.
Be grateful
Sometimes, the best way to turn bad days around is to start thinking outward. Count your blessings, they say.
Think of acts of kindness shown to you. Remember your past achievements. Celebrate the small victories. Being grateful improves optimism and will help you through the bad times.
Start a gratitude diary so you are never caught out. Before you go to sleep, write in it three things that you are grateful for each day.
Science has proven that meditation reduces stress. And many experts believe that meditation improves long-term focus that allows you to deal with bad situations better.
For two minutes, you can clear your head by sitting in your favourite chair. Relax your body. Start deep-breathing. You can also listen to soothing music or ambient sounds to induce the feeling of quiet.
This will give you the mind-space you need to solve your current dilemma, put your bad day behind you and determine what positive step to take next.
Get back to your goals
One mishap may lead you to doubt your direction. Are you taking the right path? Have you got the right strategy? Do you really have the right skills? The best way to get out of this cloud is getting back to the drawing board.
Ask yourself, ‘How am I feeling right now?’ Then, follow up with ‘Where do I want to be?’ Perhaps your current situation is telling you that you’ve moved off course and that you need to tweak your plans if you are to reach your goal.
Revisit your Why, goals and vision board and instead of doubting yourself, take action by brainstorming ways to get from A to B.
Start a success journal
Don’t let a bad day ruin the rest of your hard work.
Write down your successes in a journal, there is a special magic in committing your thoughts to paper. Read it whenever you need to remind yourself of bad days you’ve overcome. If you don’t have such journal yet, it’s time to create one.
Do something you love
Take a break from the usual by focusing on something completely different, such as your favourite hobby. Enjoy baking? Making a tray of chocolate cupcakes will soothe your spirit. Into gardening? Let nature inspire you with its beauty.
Indulging in your hobbies will cheer you up and help you refocus on what’s important.
Don't let a bad day stall your business. Try one of these 10 ways to turn your day around...
Get up and out
Have you ever seen a child playing dress-up? As soon as they put their fancy dress costume on, they take on a whole new character. You can do the same.
When everything is going wrong, instead of letting the events get you down, put on the outfit that makes you feel the most confident, do your hair and make-up and go out.
Even if it's just to the local coffee shop with a good book, or better still an inspiring self-development book, you'll soon see your determination settle back in.
Find encouragement from friends and family
If you’re down, a good way to lift your spirit is to find comfort in your trusted circle.
They could be your friends and family. Talk to them about your recent disappointments and allow them to fill you with words of encouragement. Knowing you’re not alone helps you get back on your feet.
But take care not to confide in that Moaning Minnie or Negative Nora (you know you know them!), find someone who is a good listener or someone who always makes you feel good about yourself.
Looking for a support group? Join the Facebook community, Your Business Success. Here, you can meet like-minded entrepreneurs and get insider tips to grow your business.
Get moving
When you feel upset or angry, the best solution is to get moving.
Taking a walk washes away those strong feelings. You get a change of atmosphere. When your emotions quiet down, you can think more clearly, enabling you to solve problems more easily.
Or why not crank up the music and get dancing to flood the body with happy and healing hormones. Try not to bop along to this track : )
Or, take a quick nap
Sleeping helps you reset your system. A 20-minute power nap will help you beat the effects of stress caused by a bad day. It will also improve your alertness, creativity, and motor function. And, as you wake up, you feel more refreshed and ready to seize the day.
Have Fewer Bad Days in the Future
Understanding what you can do to handle the stress that comes with bad days, will help you stay on track during the often unpredictable entrepreneurial journey.
What also helps is being well-equipped with the right entrepreneurial tools and mindset to stay consistent and motivated.
My eCourse 8 Steps to Your Business Success is designed to help new entrepreneurs do just that. It will guide you in creating a solid foundation for your business, develop the right mindset, and create the environment for success - reducing the likelihood of bad days!
Learn more about the course here: 8 Steps to Your Business Success
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